AI Paper English F.o.R.

人工知能(AI)に関する論文を英語リーディング教本のFrame of Reference(F.o.R.)を使いこなして読むブログです。


BERT | Abstract 第2段落 第2文

It obtains new state-of-the-art results on eleven natural language processing tasks, including pushing the GLUE score to 80.5% (7.7% point absolute improvement), MultiNLI accuracy to 86.7% (4.6% absolute improvement), SQuAD v1.1 question a…

BERT | Abstract 第2段落 第1文

BERT is conceptually simple and empirically powerful. Jacob Devlin, et al., "BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding" 自然言語処理のあらゆるタスクに適用できる汎用的…

BERT | Abstract 第1段落 第3文

As a result, the pre-trained BERT model can be fine-tuned with just one additional output layer to create state-of-the-art models for a wide range of tasks, such as question answering and language inference, without substantial task-specif…

BERT | Abstract 第1段落 第2文

Unlike recent language representation models, BERT is designed to pre-train deep bidirectional representations from unlabeled text by jointly conditioning on both left and right context in all layers. Jacob Devlin, et al., "BERT: Pre-train…

BERT | Abstract 第1段落 第1文

We introduce a new language representation model called BERT, which stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. Jacob Devlin, et al., "BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding…

SENet | Abstract 第7文

Models and code are available at Jie Hu, Li Shen, et al., "Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks" CNNの汎化性能を改善するために、特徴マップのチャンネルごとに重み付けして次の…

SENet | Abstract 第6文

Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks formed the foundation of our ILSVRC 2017 classification submission which won first place and reduced the top-5 error to 2.251%, surpassing the winning entry of 2016 by a relative improvement of ∼25%. Jie Hu,…

SENet | Abstract 第5文

We further demonstrate that SE blocks bring significant improvements in performance for existing state-of-the-art CNNs at slight additional computational cost. Jie Hu, Li Shen, et al., "Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks"…

SENet | Abstract 第4文

We show that these blocks can be stacked together to form SENet architectures that generalise extremely effectively across different datasets. Jie Hu, Li Shen, et al., "Squeeze-and-Excitation Networks" CNN…

SENet | Abstract 第3文

In this work, we focus instead on the channel relationship and propose a novel architectural unit, which we term the “Squeeze-and-Excitation” (SE) block, that adaptively recalibrates channel-wise feature responses by explicitly modelling i…

SENet | Abstract 第2文

A broad range of prior research has investigated the spatial component of this relationship, seeking to strengthen the representational power of a CNN by enhancing the quality of spatial encodings throughout its feature hierarchy. Jie Hu, …

SENet | Abstract 第1文

The central building block of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) is the convolution operator, which enables networks to construct informative features by fusing both spatial and channel-wise information within local receptive fields at e…

MobileNet | Abstract 第6文

We then demonstrate the effectiveness of MobileNets across a wide range of applications and use cases including object detection, finegrain classification, face attributes and large scale geo-localization. Andrew G. Howard, et al., "Mobile…

MobileNet | Abstract 第5文

We present extensive experiments on resource and accuracy tradeoffs and show strong performance compared to other popular models on ImageNet classification. Andrew G. Howard, et al., "MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for…

MobileNet | Abstract 第4文

These hyper-parameters allow the model builder to choose the right sized model for their application based on the constraints of the problem. Andrew G. Howard, et al., "MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision …

MobileNet | Abstract 第3文

We introduce two simple global hyperparameters that efficiently trade off between latency and accuracy. Andrew G. Howard, et al., "MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications"…

MobileNet | Abstract 第2文

MobileNets are based on a streamlined architecture that uses depthwise separable convolutions to build light weight deep neural networks. Andrew G. Howard, et al., "MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Appl…

MobileNet | Abstract 第1文

We present a class of efficient models called MobileNets for mobile and embedded vision applications. Andrew G. Howard, et al., "MobileNets: Efficient Convolutional Neural Networks for Mobile Vision Applications"…